See your market clearly with Provider 360 ReadyDataTM

Superior provider reference and affiliation data has the power to improve sales and marketing strategies.

Our Provider 360 ReadyDataTM healthcare provider dataset includes advanced and accurate data on U.S. providers, organizations, and their corresponding affiliations so you can see the relationships between healthcare providers (HCPs), organizations (HCOs), and integrated delivery networks (IDNs).




HCPs with affiliations


parent organizations

Provider data you can use to:

Optimize your customer master

Improve sales detailing

Align sales territories

Create market segmentation

Identify key opinion leaders (KOLs)

With Provider 360 ReadyData from McKesson CompileTM you'll benefit from:


A tech-forward, automated sourcing process for the highest levels of data accuracy and recency.

Advanced Affiliations

Flexible affiliations hierarchies, including full or standardized options ranging from four to nine levels.


A unique, proprietary affiliations scoring system for better field intelligence.

Product - Multi Payer Closed -2

Monthly data updates (vs. most other data vendors who refresh on a quarterly basis).

Up-to-date and accurate HCP and HCO data

Provider 360 ReadyData contains detailed information on entities within the healthcare system, including clinicians and organizations, and the relationships between them.

Up-to-date and accurate HCP and HCO data@2X

Data confidence made simple

Don’t settle for an ordinary provider reference dataset. See even more with:

Detailed Affiliations Scoring

Go beyond primary and secondary and understand the relative strength of relationships between healthcare entities. We analyze claims volume, review data recency, and validate information across multiple data sources to develop a score for each affiliation.

Detailed Affiliations Scoring@2X

Standardized, Flexible Hierarchies 

Our hierarchy structure provides the flexibility to choose from four to nine levels of standardization, making it easier to integrate with existing datasets, roll-up analyses to different HCO levels, and maintain consistency across departments and reports.

Flexible Hierarchie-1
Flexible Hierarchie-2
Flexible Hierarchie-1
Flexible Hierarchie-2

Maximize insights by adding more elements to your data. 

Flexible pricing and contracting model

Don't wade through or pay for data you're not interested in. With McKesson Compile you'll have the flexibility to home in on just the data you need so you can optimize resources and get the most from your investment.

Get the McKesson Compile advantage.

If you are ready to get started or would like to learn more,


Market Overview

Market Overview

McKesson Compile’s up-to-date and accurate data provides clarity on your target market.

The breadth and depth of provider and patient data available from McKesson Compile™ gives you a clear, accurate picture of the trends and dynamics in the specific therapy area you’re focusing on. Our unique combination of provider and patient data and analytics allows you to gain a deeper level of understanding so you can react insightfully, not randomly.

Intelligence to power go-to-market strategy

Leverage integrated open and closed claims data to gain a more complete view of your target market.

React insightfully, not randomly

Make confident decisions by activating the power of patient, provider, and payer level insights for the brand or disease area you are targeting.

From wide focus to exacting precision

Derive insights from the HCP or facility level up to the parent level with a flexible affiliation hierarchy.

KOL Identification

KOL identification

Up-to-date activity and affiliation data help you identify and engage the right providers.

Key opinion leaders (KOLs) are instrumental throughout the development and commercialization lifecycle. McKesson Compile™ enables you to evaluate healthcare providers (HCPs) based on their referral patterns, research contributions, treatment approaches, and organizational affiliations. Our data and analytics help you target the right influencers effectively.

Keep your KOL engagements current

Our continually updated provider and patient datasets allow you to evaluate an HCP's referral, research, treatment, and professional activity in near real-time to identify the most impactful KOLs.

Aim and hit the right targets

Identify and prioritize key HCPs and accounts by evaluating their clinical and treatment activity, patient profile, and other behavioral attributes.

Leverage the peer network

Map relationships to derive spheres of influence, identify similar and related providers and accounts, and inform your next best action.

HCP Targeting

HCP Targeting

McKesson Compile’s healthcare provider (HCP) data helps you prioritize the most impactful targets.

Targeting the right HCPs and healthcare organizations (HCOs) is crucial to effectively develop, launch, and grow market share. McKesson Compile™ allows you to go beyond claim-based ratings - helping you identify and prioritize the most impactful targets by analyzing their clinical research activities, treatment approaches, patient demographics, and relationships to healthcare organizations like integrated delivery networks (IDNs) and group purchasing organization (GPOs). This broader, more holistic view allows you to direct resources toward the opportunities that matter most to your brand. 

Optimize account-based targeting

Understanding the relationships between HCPs and HCOs as well as ownership structures of IDNs helps you determine how to engage at the account level for maximum impact.

Focus on the targets that matter the most

Move beyond claims-based targeting to identify and prioritize key targets by evaluating their clinical research and treatment activity, patient profile, and other behavioral attributes.

Increase engagement through hyper targeting

Our integrated and continually updated provider and patient datasets allow you to see changes in behavior quickly so that you can execute precise outreach in near real-time. 

IDN Level of Control

Integrated Delivery Network Level of Control

Understand the layers of influence and decision-making within an organization so you can fine tune your commercial strategy.

Increasingly, brands are basing their targeting strategies at the account level. By understanding healthcare providers’ (HCPs) relationships to organizations and the hierarchies of those organizations, you can focus your marketing and sales efforts in the places that drive the most impact.

Optimize the impact of commercial efforts

Deliver marketing and sales efforts to the right place by understanding the ownership structure of the integrated delivery network (IDN) and the level of control to decide between a top-down versus bottom-up targeting strategy.

Elevate your efforts to maximize reach

Evaluate clinical behavior and treatment activity at the organizational level so you can prioritize key affiliated healthcare providers.

Sales Attribution

Sales Attribution

Optimize your attribution model by accurately allocating sales at the prescriber or account level.

Understanding who should get ‘credit’ for a sale can be a major pain point for teams. Our proprietary affiliation strength score helps provide clarity by showing the relative strength of a relationship between a healthcare provider and an organization. Use these scores to determine the correct attribution for each rep using a roll-up, or roll-down methodology.

Achieve accuracy with simplicity

Our proprietary affiliation strength score allows you to improve the way you attribute sales to your reps – regardless of whether the sale happens at the provider or organization level.

Identify opportunity for expansion

Utilize the affiliation strength score in conjunction with prescribing behavior to determine which providers and organizations have strong relationships but aren’t prescribing as much of your brand as you’ve forecasted.

Account-Based Sales

Account-Based Sales

Move beyond HCP targeting and engage accounts with precision using McKesson Compile’s deep intelligence on HCOs and IDNs.

With in-depth intelligence from provider reference and patient claims data, you can gain the insights needed to more precisely identify and target your key accounts. By evaluating clinical activities, patient profiles, and behavioral attributes, you can identify and prioritize key healthcare providers (HCPs) and accounts that matter most. This approach helps maximize sales efforts by helping you understand the ownership structure of IDNs and determine the most effective targeting strategy.

Focus on the targets that matter the most

Our proprietary affiliations strength score helps you understand individual healthcare provider activity within the broader context of the organizations they’re affiliated with so you can engage at the account level and broaden your efforts.

Maximize sales with an optimized targeting strategy

Understand the ownership structure of the IDN and the level of control to decide between a top down vs. bottom up targeting strategy.

Engage at the right level

Our flexible account hierarchies help to standardize the complex web of parent and child relationships within a healthcare organization so you can understand where it makes the most sense to engage to achieve maximum impact.

Sales Force Efficiency

Sales Force Efficiency

Prospect smarter, not harder with McKesson Compile’s high capture provider intelligence.

Affiliations and hierarchy data change rapidly. Keep territories up-to-date with high-capture provider and patient datasets from McKesson Compile™. Our up-to-date intelligence allows you to improve the accuracy of the information in your customer master data so you can strategically define territories by evaluating treatment and prescribing activity, referral patterns, clinical research, and professional activities. Our technology first approach and graph processing techniques keep data updated so your sales teams can spend their time detailing rather than looking for correct address information.

Optimize territory maps

Leverage our provider and patient datasets to identify high-value provider targets and then see the organizations they’re affiliated with to ensure sales team alignment.

Increase the impact of sales details 

Provider reference information and near real-time insights into the changes in HCP affiliations and practice locations help with better call planning and, in turn, improving the efficiency of rep activities.

Craft account-specific sales strategies

Our proprietary account hierarchy mapping helps you understand the structure of the healthcare organizations at the facility, organization, and parent levels so you can decide where and how to best engage.

Improve efficiency of field teams

Near real-time insights into the change in provider affiliations and practice locations help improve the efficiency of field-based teams by allowing them to spend more time in front of providers and less time searching for the right locations.

Provider Affiliations

Provider Affiliations

Increase pipeline, discover new targets with McKesson Compile’s high-capture provider affiliations.

Having a clear view into the relevant healthcare providers and organizations treating your target patient population is crucial. Eliminate duplicate records and ensure your customer master data is built on accurate and updated information with McKesson Compile™. Our proprietary methodology for accurately standardizing hierarchies reflects an account’s structure, so you can see accounts more clearly. Additionally, McKesson Compile’s score-based affiliations allow for more accuracy in sales attribution, enabling you to effectively roll-up sales data at the facility or account level.

No more duplicates

Technology first data sourcing and graph processing methodologies allow for highly accurate and up-to-date healthcare provider and organization records so you can remove duplicates and maintain a clean customer master.

Data that simplifies the real world

McKesson Compile’s clean hierarchy organizes complex healthcare organizations into easy-to-understand parent and child relationships, eliminating ragged hierarchies from your master data management (MDM).

Optimize sales attribution

Go beyond primary and secondary classifications for affiliations with our proprietary affiliations strength score to correctly “roll-up” sales at a facility or account level.

Customer Master

Customer Master

McKesson Compile’s proprietary data sourcing and cleansing methodologies provide an up-to-date, accurate view of your target market.

Enhance your sales and marketing effectiveness by leveraging our provider reference and affiliations data to power your customer master. Our clean hierarchy accurately reflects an account’s structure, eliminating ragged hierarchies and simplifying data hygiene. Near real-time, unique insights on the healthcare providers and organizations in a market allow you to move beyond static demographics and engage customers in more strategic and targeted ways. Plus, our self-refreshing data model ensures your sales team has access to the most up-to-date intelligence, helping them to improve the quality of their efforts. It’s time for an upgrade; optimize your commercial data operations with McKesson Compile™.

Increase engagement through hyper-targeting

Move beyond static demographics and execute precise outreach with near real-time, unique insights on HCPs in your market.

Simplify data hygiene

Power your commercial data operations with reliable provider reference and affiliations data to create an accurate customer master and effective sales and marketing efforts.

Deliver accurate data to reps, every time

McKesson Compile’s self-refreshing data model ensures your sales team has access to the most up-to-date intelligence on the providers in their territory.